
Sites with other information. The military has been criticized by various peace movements, the targeted killing of people who consider the war and consequent degradation and destruction as barbaric, morally reprehensible and sustainable conflict management to be inappropriate. When set against tendencies to militarism, which considers the military as an effective means of policy, have, therefore, the anti-militarism and pacifism established that problematize the military and instead want to achieve a non-violent resolution of conflicts. In the anti-militarism and pacifism, the total abolition of the military and a return to diplomacy and civil conflict management is required. They are actively trying to prevent armed conflict and military armaments, war as an instrument of policy to exclude long-term and to create the conditions for lasting peace. War supporters are labeled Bellizisten.

In the 19th Century - especially in view of the result of advancing technology always destructive magnitude of the war - the first time a document written that the

Due to the increasing armament (especially in the arms race in the Cold War) by the now increasingly destructive military technology is a limit has been exceeded, which would be involved in an outbreak of war between the two superpowers not only the states involved, but the entire world's population, since may be the destruction of the military force of some states unpredictable weapons of mass destruction (see also overkill). Given the potential destruction extent of these weapons, many states have now multilateral treaties such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and disarmament agreements such as "START", "INF" and "CFE" signed which aims to reduce that risk, at least in part (see also Arms Control and Conference on Disarmament ). Particularly significant agreements that want to prevent from the international community as extremely inhumane practices respected, for example, the Ottawa Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, or the ABM Treaty.

International forces are subject nowadays, more and more international agreements, the desire to control and prevent military conflicts. Important writings are still the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Conventions. Under Article 2 (4) of the Charter of the United Nations is actually already a ban on violence, which in very few cases (ie only in defense and as part of a peace-enforcement action by a resolution of the UN Security Council) may be bypassed. In practice, however, given the number of military conflicts (even by the most sophisticated and supposedly "reasonable" industrial states) makes clear that this modern scheme is not implemented consistently. Public awareness regarding the military and war has become - in the face of terrible, and also vergangegen current war events - but also changed: many people express themselves more and more critical of the military and inhumane practices are increasingly condemned publicly.

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